We aim to provide gainful employment to individuals with disabilities so that they may become financially independent. Our company aims to pay employees a liveable wage while also ensuring they are learning functional life skills so that they can live autonomous lives.

Changing the Face of Disability Support
As an individual with a disability, Julia has hopes, dreams, and goals for the future just like anyone else. As a company, Special P is committed to helping support Julia to be successful in anything she endeavours to do.
But the vision does not stop with Julia; the vision of the company is to provide many individuals with disabilities the opportunity to realize their own potential and become confident in their skills both personally and professionally.
An essential part of the Special P business model is building capacity for employees to lead meaningful and authentic lives. This means embedding educational opportunities into workday tasks and ensuring employees are a part of all aspects of business operations. From budgeting to shopping to baking to cleaning, our employees are supported to learn skills that can be generalized to all parts of their lives.